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  • Writer's pictureashlynnmikail

I'm done waiting.

It's late where I am, but I haven't written in awhile so I thought I'd get on here for a bit...

I can't tell you how many times in a month I log onto this blog; it's always the same story. I open up a new draft, begin typing, only to get a couple paragraphs in before I decide to delete everything I've written. I wait around month after month for any sort of inspiration that I feel is worth blogging about. When nothing comes or I don't feel that the words flow right away, I just abandon it all together and continuing in waiting. Thinking that what I'm writing isn't good enough....

I wait around for perfection WAY too much in my life and I want to be done with that.

I've realized that I have completely missed the point in creating this whole blog! Who cares if the words don't come out super eloquently or if the experiences and thoughts I share may not be for everyone... Bit by bit I'm slowly beginning to see more and more of the bigger picture for why God inspired me to start this blog. Before, I was only seeing a fraction of its purpose. I still have a lot to learn but I'm catching on! Bear with me! haha

I've also come to see that this whole blogging thing is mostly for me and my own personal growth... more so, than it is for those reading it. But I welcome anyone who may be interested, to follow along! Instead of waiting around for the right words to say I'm just going to start by opening up and letting you see the real me! Insights about my own life, personal struggles, victories and lessons behind them all!

2 Corinthians 12:9 "...strength is made perfect in weakness."

No one likes to feel vulnerable, me included! But I believe the words written in that scripture. On the road towards perfection you have to embrace the weakness in yourself.....

Soooo... cheers to that!

Stay tuned! ;)


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