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  • Writer's pictureashlynnmikail

Partially Committed?


I’ve been learning this lately! We each go through “lulls” in our life where things aren’t quite at the peak of excitement as they once used to be. I know! It’s tough! Tough to be consistent even when those things that once filled your life with so much light and happiness become something you have to makeee yourself do, instead of just naturally wanting to take the time for them.

A good friend of mine, Sarah Aulick​​, said something I loved and wanted to share😉 I'm learning that it takes more dedication, strength, and love for [God] to fight that much harder to hear Him and follow Him when it's not always so clear [and you don’t feel that motivating push].

Your heart won’t always be perfectly committed... but it’s the constant action and desiring of it, that invokes the greatest blessings of heaven! Learning to discipline yourself and acting in accordance with where you know you want to end up... most times includes doing something you don't always feel super inclined to do. Yet, it's the consistency of the simplest things that create the greatest impact on your life for your here and now and also for your future! Praying for a desire when you don't have one and reading your scriptures even when you don’t feel it.... are times you get to prove to your Father in heaven that you really want certain things as bad as you say that you do...

If your heart just isn't in it... don't beat yourself up! Just relentlessly search for ways so reignite the spark... It may not be immediate, but the light will come back along with numerous amounts of added blessings!!


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