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  • Writer's pictureashlynnmikail

Taking Time to Remember

Updated: Jul 7, 2018

I've realized lately that my personal studies haven't been as powerful and inspiring as they used to be. Today as I sat down to meditate over why that is.... I prayed to know what I could do to change my situation in order to experience those feelings again.

The Spirit prompted me to remember...

I had first recognized that something was missing but now I was being asked to re-evaluate how I feel now and what it used to be like then. I closed my eyes and pondered on the idea... I grabbed a pen and paper and began writing the thoughts that came to mind:

A place where the light shines so bright that everything glows with a white radiance.

Standing with eyes shut, feeling a rush of contentment flow through an agitated soul.

The power that fills the moment cleanses even to the heart.

Tense muscles relaxing.

A heart free and full, enveloped in peace.

A jumbled mind releases control to an unseen presence as it drifts with ease to a place of comfort and clarity.

Closing the eyes to the physical; as the mind's eye settles on a celestial beauty that few have taken the time to come to know.

Feelings in my heart remind me of its familiarity

To see only with physical eyes...

Is but a small part of our potential and capacity to understand it all.

I'm learning a lot about the power of the mind... The power of being still and quieting my thoughts, and the power of remembering.

In order to keep motivation and determination to press forward, we must continually look back and remember. Our days get so full with our every day duties that we rush and rush to do what we think HAS to get done. We forget that taking the time to sit still and remember is just as essential to our own well-being as the check lists of chores we feel we must complete.

When we rush and run; our minds are moving so fast we are only capable of seeing our situations, ourselves, and the world through physical eyes. It's when we stop and allow time for peace to settle that we begin to feel something different and our perspective adjusts... Then, are we able to see things through spiritual eyes.

I'm inviting you to slow down... find the time... and focus on you... focus on your thoughts and remember.

"The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear."


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